Home General Spurscast #33 and Four Quarters on Deadspin

Spurscast #33 and Four Quarters on Deadspin


Ok, this is normally meant for GameDay blogging, but I figured any visitors of this blog might also want to know that Episdoe 33 of the Spurscast, our weekly podcast, was just released over at our podcast page. I’ll have another episdoe, Spurs vs. Heat postgame show, up tomorrow.
Also, I was pretty excited that this blog was mentioned recently by Deadspin, a comprehensive sports news blog. Deadspin currently has a series of blogs titled “Blogdom’s Best,” which is given to the most outstanding blog for each NBA team. Deadspins editors found Four Quarters when looking over Spurs blogs, gave us their top listing of Spurs blogs and had this to say:

1. Four Quarters. The gameday blog of the Project Spurs Web site. The best spot on the web for Spurs fans we’ve seen.

I’m pretty stoked and flatterred for us to recieve that kind of recognition and a hearty thanks goes out to the Deadspin team for it.
Link: Blogdom’s Best: San Antonio Spurs

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Michael is the founder and editor of ProjectSpurs.com. He has a long history in journalism, sports and online media. Michael has been interviewed by the BBC, SportTalk, the Sports Reporters Radio Show, MemphisSportLive, OKC Sports Wrap and ESPN radio among others.