Home General Report: Spanish team Unicaja looking to sign Tiago Splitter

Report: Spanish team Unicaja looking to sign Tiago Splitter


NBA fans are waiting to see if the lockout will end soon or cancel the entire season. The players are also waiting and are looking to play ball soon.

San Antonio Spurs’ Tiago Splitter is eagerly waiting as well but should the NBA lockout continue, according to El Correo.com, Spanish club Unicaja Malaga is reportedly interested in trying to lure Splitter to play for the team during the lockout and has reportedly offered a handsome sum for his services.

The latest to weigh this option is the Unicaja Malaga, which hopes to add Tiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) during the duration of the lockout. It is speculated the figures are between 65,000 and 75,000 euros a month to try to convince the Brazilian power forward, before heading back to Texas to begin training camp.

El último en sopesar esta opción es el Unicaja de Málaga, que se plantea la posibilidad de incorporar al exbaskonista Tiago Splitter (San Antonio Spurs) mientras dure el parón en la competición norteamericana. Se especula con unas cifras entre 65.000 y 75.000 euros mensuales para intentar convencer al pívot brasileño, dominador interior de la Liga ACB antes de emigrar a la franquicia texana y que, además, cumple los requisitos de los cupos de formación.

A handsome amount of money indeed. That’s about $89,550.00 to $103,327.00 dollars a month plus will lkely be offered an opt-out clause. However, if the report is true, it is highly unlikely Splitter will take the offer. 

As we reported, Splitter made it clear he has no desire to play for any other team during the lockout and will be in San Antonio to train, tend to some nagging injuries he suffered over the summer playing for Brazil, and prepare for the upcoming NBA season.

Not to mention reports across the wire suggesting a new CBA may be struck thus ending the lockout.