What a weekend it was for Project Spurs at the Blogs With Balls Conference here in NYC this past June 12-13, 2009.
The Conference may have started on June 13 but there was a pre-conference get together hosted and organized by yours truly the night before. It was a way to break the ice early for those who were going to the conference the next day and to give those who never been to NYC a taste of the nightlife. It was a fun filled night and filled with many memories. It was odd to introduce everyone by their Twitter handles and then their real names.
Those who attended were Jeff Garcia (sa2ny2004), Shotgun Spratling (BlueWorkhorse), Amanda Rykoff (CompanyWoman), Jon Lee (thejonlee), Jimmy Castro (WinInTheEnd), Rey Moralde (TheNoLookPass), John Karalis (RedsArmy), Zach Harper (talkhoops), Jared Wade (BothTeamsPlayed), and Shawn Norris (DoucheLarue).
We all had fun and had non-stop laughs. From Shotgun experiencing first hand how rude native NY’ers can be, Zach showing us his “drinking skills”, Karalis making us laugh, the Twitter breaks, Amanda admitting she has an addiction to Twitter to Jimmy giving us the line of the night. So to all those who came to the event “I’m like the Berlin Wall!” Thanks to all who came out!
The Blogs With Balls Conference was great for Mike and I and Project Spurs. Our peers had nothing but good things to say about the site and The Spurscast. Of course we couldn’t have received the praise without the help of the fans of the site and the podcast. I also was interviewed by Glenn and Brock of The Dug Out Sports Show and enjoyed talking with them about the conference, Spurs, Manu’s status and how much more time Duncan has left. Of course I did mention about the Spurs sweeping the Cavs in 2007 to Glenn and Brock’s dismay. Click here to visit their site and hear my interview. The Dug Out Sports Show
The panels were informative and Mike and I learned a lot on how to improve Project Spurs and The Spurscast. Thanks to Don Povia aka HHReynolds for putting this all together. It must have been a tremendous effort but the event went smootly.
We also were able to record a live podcast jointly with Jimmy and Rey from the Chronicles of Crotty. Special thanks to Glenn Moore from The Dug Out Sports Show, Shotgun Spratling, Shawn Norris, Dave Kelsey and Derek Hanson from Bloguin, Jared Wade from Both Teams Played Hard, Laura Silvius, John Karalis and Adam Best from Fan Sided for being guests on the show. All the interviews were great.
The main event was the “Drink Off” between Jimmy and Mike. Five tall glasses of Guinness and in the end Mike was the champ. Of course Jimmy was with 1, 000, 000, 000 excuses saying “Mike won the battle and not the war”, stacked empty glasses during the event and kept beer in his cheeks like a hamster. Thanks to Glenn Moore and Rey Moralde for being play-by-play analysts.
Overall we took so much from the conference. We learned the impact of Twitter, networking with fellow bloggers, and of course don’t schedule a guest right after having a drinking contest.
Hopefully we will be able to attend Blogs With Balls 2.0 in Las Vegas this coming October.