Home General Parker on his floater

Parker on his floater


Earlier this week I wrote about a video NBA.com did on the best floaters in the league.

I was appalled that San Antonio Spurs’ Tony Parker was left off the list, and judging by the comments section, most of you agreed. It looked like a lot of people thought that TP deserved to be in the top spot. While I’m still sticking with Derrick Rose as the best, I’ll give Parker a very close second.

Here’s some more evidence that Parker belongs with the NBA’s elite. A few weeks ago, he did a Q&A session on Twitter, and was asked “How did you learn your floater?”

TP responded:

“I’ve been shooting that shot since I was small, it was the only shot I could do. I just worked on perfecting it”

First of all, just the fact that the question was posed shows that Parker is known for his floater. It’s like it’s his shot, he owns it.

Secondly, he really has perfected it. His ability to get into the lane and throw up the teardrop is a thing of beauty.

I’m sure the guys that put together the floater video have heard their fair share of criticism for leaving Parker out. Meanwhile, TP can just keep doing his thing.