Toros forward Michael Joiner was kind enough to write an “on the road” series for us this season, giving us an even closer look at the person and the player. Now that the Toros season is over, he’s leaving town and will be headed overseas very soon. Thanks to Michael for writing for us this season and we hope to see him back in Austin in November.
Wow! What a year! What a finish! Us not making the playoffs is like when you are in high school and lose the first round of playoffs and now all you have to look forward to is prom. Meaning that there is such a long wait in-between these two events. Players are like zombies because they do not know what to do now since we usually are playing in the post season.
Well, you know what? (No really. Do you know what?) Oh yeah, life goes on. It was a roller coaster season for my team this year. I played with a great group of guys. With so many people coming and going, it became hard to really get close to players but I enjoyed the time that I had with all of them.
The things to take away from our team was that we showed signs of growth and maturity. Some of it may have been seen for the fans towards the middle and end of season, and some will click for our guys next season. That’s just how the game goes.
Congrats to my guys, Marcus Cousin and Kyle Weaver, with their NBA Call ups. My WOLFPACK crew (Lance, Leo, and KP) all did good this season as well. Squeaky Johnson did a great job at the oh for us this season. Happy to see him have a solid season (be sure to watch Squeak TV).
I know the fans enjoyed watching my guy, Aubrey Coleman blow past the competition this season. He is a special player. The big guy in the middle, Eric, was a huge force on the defensive end for us. This season the Toros fans got a chance to see Spurs players, James Anderson, De’Sean Butler, and Danny Green play and help out our team as well.
I cannot forget about my coaches, Dice, and my managers, Bart and Nick, for all they have done for us that most people do not get a chance to see.
While this is on my mind, continue to support all those countries that are in need of rebuilding. Our very own Toro family member, Dice, had his country, Japan, hit by a couple of earthquakes. So any help is appreciated. But it’s been great playing with my teammates this season and to be reunited with old friends like Tre Kelly. This season felt more of like a family than anything to me with my brothers.
Many of us will continue to play ball abroad or stay in the states to workout. So follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or whatever but we will be around the globe. Special shout out to the staff in the Toros office. You all did a great job!
Last but not least as I close this out while on this flight from Austin to NC, I want to send a special shout out to Toros Nation. It was good getting to know you guys and continue to do good work. I’m signing off Austin. It’s been a blast! Til next time…be safe, love others and love yourself. Gone….
-Michael Joiner