Home General Hill ready to return to the court

Hill ready to return to the court


San Antonio Spurs’ guard, George Hill, recently held a children’s basketball camp in Laredo, Texas. The camp was a success and in an interview with elmanana.com, Hill said he is ready to start the new season:

El movedor de balón confesó que ya se siente listo para regresar a la duela, también señaló que el ambiente en los vestidores es positivo y que esperan una buena temporada con el regreso de todos sus compañeros.

“Nos sentimos bien, nos estamos preparando y estamos ansiosos de comenzar la nueva temporada”

The mover of the ball and confessed that he feels ready to return to the court, also noted that the atmosphere in the dressing room is positive and expect a good season with the return of all his companions.

“We feel good, we are preparing and we are eager to begin the new season,” he said.

Interesting to know, Hill actually played baseball and is a fan of New York Yankees’, Derek Jeter:

“Me encanta el beisbol, lo practiqué en el colegio, admiro mucho a Derek Jeter”, comentó.

“I love baseball, I practiced at school, I admire Derek Jeter,” he said.

Perhaps Hill will bring back the days of duo sports players like Bo Jackson and Dion Sanders.

On second thought, maybe not. Spurs fans would rather see him resting in the offseason to help bring a fifth NBA title to the city of San Antonio.