Home General Writer’s Roundtable: Are the Spurs still the gold standard in the NBA?

Writer’s Roundtable: Are the Spurs still the gold standard in the NBA?

Writer’s Roundtable: Are the Spurs still the gold
      standard in the NBA?

Each week, our writers will sound off on one topic of the week with short audio takes. If you are a Spurscast subscriber, you’ll also be seeing podcasts with all of our takes together along with your weekly Spurscast.

This week we asked our Lead Writer Paul Garcia and Staff Writer Jake Faunce to give their thoughts on whether or not the San Antonio Spurs are still the “gold standard” in the NBA. From Cleveland to New Orleans, teams in the past would often copy the Spurs’ system and rightfully so. The Spurs won four titles doing it by remaining fiscally sound.

However, is this still true until today? Find out by listening to the writers.

Paul Garcia, Lead Writer – {audio}http://cinch.fm/projectspurs/239419.mp3{/audio}

Jake Faunce, Staff Writer – {audio}http://cinch.fm/projectspurs/238871.mp3{/audio}

So those are their takes for the week. Feel free to use our comments section to give your take on if you agree/disagree or want to pick the best take.