During the NBA Finals, Rey Moralde of The No Look Pass will be contributing to Project Spurs during the San Antonio Spurs' chase for title number five.
Chris Bosh, as we know, is the big man of Miami's "big three." We know that Dwyane Wade and LeBron James get inspiration from one Michael Jordan. But Bosh, being a 6'10" power forward/center, can't exactly emulate his game from Jordan. So where does he draw inspiration from?
If his team makes it to the Finals, he would be going against that inspiration. That would be San Antonio Spurs' big man Tim Duncan. Check out Joseph Goodman's story from the Miami Herald.
INDIANAPOLIS — Chris Bosh had Tim Duncan posters. That pretty much sums up how long the Spurs have been the gold standard of consistency in the NBA.
The Heat still has plenty of work to do if it wants to reach the NBA Finals, but Tuesday its players paid homage to the team that would be its opponent in the next round. The Spurs swept the Memphis Grizzlies on Monday night in stunning fashion to win the Western Conference finals and earn 10 days of rest before The Finals.
“I had favorite players, and he was one of them,” Bosh said of Duncan, the Spurs’ center. “He was in SLAM [Magazine] a lot. SLAM was like the Bible, so I took out the pages and put them on my wall. That was a little while ago. That was another lifetime.”
Duncan has been in the league since Bosh was 13; that's how long Duncan has played in the NBA. Now if the Heat make it past Indiana, Bosh isn't going to be there to admire Duncan's game; he's going to try to help his team stop Duncan and his Spurs.
Still, that's high praise coming from one of the best big men in the league today. Duncan has lasted a long time and has been one of the top big men the entire time he's been there. And that should be inspiration to Bosh and the rest of the bigs in the league. Who has done it well as long as Duncan has? Very, very few people in the league's history.
Bosh has done quite well so far in his nine years in the league and, because of his drive and Duncan's inspiration, he could very well be one of those few people that will have a long and consistently good NBA career.
Perhaps Bosh's drive will also inspire Duncan to be even better so he can get that fifth championship ring.