Former Los Angeles Lakers coach Phil Jackson has taken to Twitter and has given the public some pretty insightful and also quite random tweets.
Today hasn't been any different. Jackson took to Twitter to give a friendly jab to one of his former players, Pau Gasol. Gasol tweeted about his last practice before the playoffs start against the San Antonio Spurs and Jackson held nothing back from poking fun at the Spaniard.
Jackson has stayed close to his former team, which was one of the reasons why many thought he'd be coaching them again this season. He's also tweeted with another former player in Kobe Bryant during his brief time on Twitter.
Gasol's tweet was also sent at 11:03am MST, which seems pretty weird as the Lakers would then travel to San Antonio for an early game tomorrow.
Still, if Jackson's message to Gasol motivates him against San Antonio, then Spurs fans will have yet another reason to dislike the "Zen Master."
What do you think Spurs fans? Will the Lakers' travel plans play a part in Game 1 or should they have traveled to San Antonio a day earlier?
(h/t Larry Brown Sports)