Home General Spurs Twitter Roundup: Vegas, pizza, chores, and more

Spurs Twitter Roundup: Vegas, pizza, chores, and more


This is a new feature at Project Spurs in which we take a fun look at the Twitter accounts of the San Antonio Spurs players.  Twitter can provide some interesting and humorous insight into the personal lives of the players as they give us a few details of what they do off the court.  So tune in weekly for updates, but for now, sit back and enjoy.

What Happens in Vegas

Looks like one of the newest Spurs, DeSean Butler, is getting his summer vacay on…in Vegas

@TheDaSeanButler Vegas never again….smh 

No worries DaSean.  What happens in Vegas…goes on Facebook.  But not Twitter.

George Doin’ Work

George Hill, on the other hand, seemed to have a busy and productive week working out and doing charity.  He sent out these two tweets on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

@George_Hill3 Well bout to call it a night.Gotta big day tomorrow with workouts and help building a house for habitat humanity! But goodnight Twittas
@George_Hill3 Up early bout to go get a workout in then build a house! Hope everyone has a nice day!!!

And, though Gary Neal is not currently on Twitter, we got this from the team’s account:

@spurs: With Gary Neal and @George_Hill3 helping out at Habitat for Humanity. #GoSpursGo http://picplz.com/gF8h 

Good to see that from the young guys.

Workin’ Out the Kinks

Tiago Splitter is already back to work for next season.  But, hey, it is summer time and everyone deserves some R & R every now and then.

@tiagosplitter After a good workout nothing better than a great massage at Massage Heights ( 9386 Huebner Rd) thanks! 

At ease boys.  This is a reputable establishment. But query: are we seeing the beginnings of an endorsement deal here?

Back to the Grind

DaSean had his fun, but it’s back to work for the young fella.  On Wednesday, Butler tweeted this:

@TheDaSeanButler Just finished working out. In the ice bath#buurrrrr bout to go home clean the apt! This place always seems to get messed up smh

Maybe DaSean should have negotiated for a cleaning service in his contract.  Not every Spur is living large in the Dominion.

Manu Reveals…His Favorite Pizza

Everyone can rest easier at night.  After years of confusion and speculation, Manu has finally revealed his favorite pizza.  Readers on the northwest side and the Leon Springs area should be familiar with it.  I’ve had more than a couple of slices.

@manuginobili U got my vote Frank! RT @Fralos: WOAI is asking 4 votes 4 “Best Pizza in SA” We’d love ur vote! Email them at bestofsa@woaitv.com. Thanks

Can’t be long before that makes it onto a billboard, right?  Fralos for the win!

George Doin’ Work, Part II

Number three, is not messing around this summer.  On Thursday, there was this:

@George_Hill3 Just now leaving the gym! From 9-now is a long day!!!!!!

He sent it at 3:00pm.  Do the math. 

DeJuan on Shaq

DeJuan Blair chimed in on the Shaq retirement and his thoughts on Shaq’s legacy.


Um, WHAT DeJuan?  Perhaps not the most popular thing to say with Spurs fans who remember another center that was quite good.  Care to rephrase your answer?


Ah.  Well played sir.


Everyone has to do it.  Even professional basketball players.

tiagosplitter In the line to do the Texas inspection of my car…

Bummer dude.  

That concludes The Week in Twitter.  Hope you enjoyed the inaugural post and make sure you leave your comments below!