Project Spurs at Spurs vs. Clippers


I got a chance to go to last night’s Spurs vs. Clippers preseason game. Even though the Spurs lost, it was good to get a second look at some of the Spurs’ newer players.

Richard Jefferson showed everyone what kind of contribution he’ll be able to make once the season comes around and Blake Griffin justified being drafted first.

I got to see a lot of Marcus Williams in the second half and while he had a better game, it’s clear the he is too slow to defend point guards. Curtis Jerrells impressed me a bit, but at the same time he made a rookie mistake in not calling a timeout so Pop could draw up a game-tying or winning play late in the fourth quarter. Instead he forced up a layup that got blocked. I don’t think I have to say much about DeJuan Blair. I doubt anything he does comes as a surprise anymore, but he held his own against Griffin and the other Clippers bigs.

While I was there for the game, I did get a chance to take a few photos and videos, but keep in mind I was taking most of these one-handed with nachos in my other hand. I decided to post them anyway so that out-of-town, out-of-state and even out-of-country Spurs fans can see what it’s like to attend a Spurs home game.

If you can’t view the slideshow, you can see all of the photos on flickr.

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Michael is the founder and editor of He has a long history in journalism, sports and online media. Michael has been interviewed by the BBC, SportTalk, the Sports Reporters Radio Show, MemphisSportLive, OKC Sports Wrap and ESPN radio among others.