Pop’s reading list


Recently, the San Antonio Express-News gathered summer reading lists of several local celebrities.

Gregg PopovichThe list was published on Saturday, and not surprisingly, Spurs coach Gregg Popovich had a few tomes ready to enjoy. Perhaps along with a glass of his Silver and Black wine.

“A book? Are you kidding me? I was just in New York for three days and spent three afternoons at the Strand. The only thing that rivals it is Powell’s Books in Portland. I’ll never get through them all, and people give books to me during the season, too. I’ll try to pick three or four I know I have to get done.”

These include: Christopher Hitchens’ “God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything,” Dinesh D’Sousa’s “What’s So Great About Christianity” and “The Fruit of the Tree” by Edith Wharton (“for the fun of it”).

Since it is the offseason, I have a reading list of my own and we’d also like to know what you’re reading.

I currently have 39 books in my “books” wishlist on amazon.com. Some of the one’s I hope to tackle this summer are “FreeDarko Presents: The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History” by fellow NBA blogger Bethlehem Shoals, “Loose Balls: The Short Wild Life of the American Basketball Association” by Terry Pluto and “Poke the Box” by Seth Godin.

So Spurs fans, what will you be reading this summer aside from Project Spurs. Leave your book picks or Shelfari links in the comments.