Podcamp City Online


I had an opportunity to listen to quite a few sessions of Podcamp City Online today.
As you may or may not know, I co-organized PodCamp San Antonio and there are several PodCamps around the country now. Podcamp City Online is unique in that you can attend without leaving your computer.
It was organized by Ava of AvaHosting.biz and Bruce of PodcasterWhosWho.com and they did a great job of running it and I look forward to the next one, which will hopefully be in a couple of months.
All of the sessions are being recorded and there are still some sessions today, so if you are interested in podcasting, drop by and join in.

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Michael is the founder and editor of ProjectSpurs.com. He has a long history in journalism, sports and online media. Michael has been interviewed by the BBC, SportTalk, the Sports Reporters Radio Show, MemphisSportLive, OKC Sports Wrap and ESPN radio among others.