Thanks to gameFACE and Dusty Nukem at Club Spurs for these contributions.
Jackie Butler is so fat, he thinks to-go food when he hears “boxing out”.
Jackie Butler is so fat, he thinks Chinese food when he hears “pick and roll”.
Jackie Butler is so fat, he makes Beno cry when Jackie steals food off his cafeteria tray.
Jackie Butler is so fat, he consults Tractor Traylor about which bra to use.
Jackie is so fat, he actually doubled for Charles Barkley in the Barkley vs Bavetta race.
Jackie is so fat, in practice he double teamed Timmy all by himself.
Jackie is so fat, when he sets a screen it’s an IMAX.
Jackie is so fat, he doesn’t know what sneaker company he signed with.
Jackie is so fat, when the other team’s coach cries for a 3 second lane violation the referees respond “What lane?”
Jackie is so fat, Pop has to call 2 timeouts just to get him to the scorers table.
Jackie is so fat, the Spurs broke open their warehouse full of Body Solution products that they still had from their Jay Howard days.
Jackie is so fat, he is number 3, 4 and 5 on Charles’ T-Mobile Fave-Five list.