It’s Over!


Biggest chokers ever to defend the NBA title. For as much as I love the Spurs, it’s hard for me to think of them as a dynasty or one of the most dominant championship teams in NBA lore.
Where was the fucking bench last night? At one point, Dallas bench outscored the Spurs bench 26-2. So much for the supposed “great” or “the best” or “deepest” bench ever. Barry, NVE, Horry, all were absent in last night’s OT choke-job.
Those fucking pussies allowed Dallas to beat them in San Antonio and embarrass the city of SA and it’s fans. Goes to show you that 63 wins, best record in the West doesn’t mean shit! Mavs came in a got the job done. Something I knew was going to happen.
Spurs were lucky Terry was suspended for game 6 or this series would have been over earlier.
Oh and when the Spurs finally got control of the game in the 4th, the god-damned fairies decided it would be best to foul Dirk and have a 3 point play to send it into OT. Way to go you fucking losers!
I am fuming over this loss. They don’t know and will never know how to put a team down. The Spurs have no heart! Look at the Suns. They are without their best player in Amare and yet SHOW HEART to make it to the conf. finals. The Suns won not one but two game sevens this season. Oh and they know how to close out games and win a game 7. Pistons are the studs of the NBA. Enough said!
I say the Spurs need to drop this “Mr. Nice Guy” team image. They need to get a chip on their shoulders. Basically, the Spurs have no heart to defend a title.
Pissed off Spurs fan and totally bummed out today!

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Michael is the founder and editor of He has a long history in journalism, sports and online media. Michael has been interviewed by the BBC, SportTalk, the Sports Reporters Radio Show, MemphisSportLive, OKC Sports Wrap and ESPN radio among others.