Tim Duncan has surprised San Antonio Spurs fans with his conditioning and physique this season. He's not only looking like a rookie again, but he's moving like one too.
His secret has been often discussed and now the "Big Fundamental" gave up his secrets and a glimpse at his busy offseason.
So how does he still do it? The question sparked similar responses from teammates and coaches alike, with most citing Duncan's steadfast regimen that includes a strict diet developed in recent years and off-the-floor training – from boxing to swimming, throwing tires, and running in the sand – that keeps him motivated and engaged.
When many think that the offseason is a time for an NBA player to rest, Duncan is doing the exact opposite and it's paid off. As the article states, he's 15 pounds lighter this season and it's showed with his youthful legs.
Duncan's 17.6ppg average this season is impressive, but it doesn't do the man justice for his accomplishment this season.
He's the defensive anchor for the offensive minded Spurs and helping them become one of the top defensive teams in the league. That's not an easy task for a team that's averaging more possessions per game this year. His 2.7bpg rivals his 2003-2004 season average, a testament to his willingness to push pride aside and better himself for whatever helps the team.
Danny Green sums up Duncan's new mentality towards his health.
Spurs guard Danny Green said, "Everybody likes to think that maybe there's something behind the scenes that's special, something going on, but there's no real big secret. He takes care of his body. He does a great job with what he eats, his sleeping habits, stretching, working-out habits in the summertime. He stays in great shape."
If Duncan can keep this up, he'll be one of the reasons why the Spurs may be in contention throughout his contract if he decides to play it until it runs out. Although he knows he feels healthy and is playing at a high level, Duncan's mindset is on one thing.
"I feel good now," Duncan said. "I just hope I can feel this healthy for another 10, 11, 12 games until we start the playoffs. If I can feel like this, and keep my knee feeling the way it does, I'll be excited about it."
When the playoffs roll around and Duncan is playing like he's 26 years old instead of 36 years, Duncan won't be the only one that's excited when the real season starts for the team.